Wednesday, October 15, 2008

That One Leads 3-0

I must not have been following the news closely enough this week. In tonight's final presidential debate, McCain kept mentioning Joe the Plumber, who is apparently becoming a YouTube sensation. Problem is, I never imagined he'd actually refer to someone as "Joe the Plumber." That kind of thing would make me--what--Dan the DemiDec guy? (Okay, no comment.) Still, I naturally assumed his name was Joe DiPlaumer and he was... maybe Italian.

Other moments from the debate that I enjoyed included John the Senator rolling his eyes and blinking a lot. He was either channeling Amy Poehler channeling Katie Couric or in need of eyedrops. Also, was it just me (and the five hundred people watching with me), or did McCain refer to Governor Palin as a breast of fresh air?

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