Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Streets of Hsinchu

In Taiwan, after a massive day: I woke up Sunday morning in Boston and somehow it's become Tuesday over there. Slept some in the back seat of a cab and on a red-eye flight from Vegas that featured a barking toddler. "Woof!" he cried, over and over, as I tried to edit.

Searched for a shower at Incheon Airport on landing this morning. Helpful flight attendants pointed me toward the basement, in which I discovered a miniature hospital. The receptionist advised me that the neraby sauna was shut down. Couldn't tell if they meant permanently or just until later in the day, but I had a meeting anyway coming up in Seoul proper, and went without.

Now at a hotel, the worse for wear but with reasonable water pressure, called the King Dom. Tomorrow morning, the schools of Hsinchu. For now, I sleep in Hsinchu. I was going to write about the streets of Hsinchu, but I'm too sleepy. They were bright.

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