Thursday, March 24, 2005


Just wanted to check in from a wireless hotspot I found right outside the China Airlines lounge at the airport here in L.A. I'm about to fly twelve hours to Osaka and should be able to update from there--at the very least I hope to describe Japan Airlines' so-called "restaurant-style" food service. I'm hoping for miso soup. Yum. Spent most of the night awake working on math exams and then taxes--so I expect a nice, comatose flight ahead. Last time I flew to Japan I scared away my neighbor because I had a cold.

Oddly, they called two days ago to let me know my flight would be delayed by two hours for technical difficulties. I have no idea what kind of technical difficulty takes only two hours to fix but is also known 48 hours ahead of time.

Speaking of technical difficulties, I haven't broken anything today, but last night I stopped the Officemax cash registers for about fifteen minutes by trying to buy a mini-tripod.