Sunday, August 27, 2006

You're Welcome

A man here in the Cathay Pacific lounge (where I'm camped out drinking tea and editing) just stopped one of the employees in front of the magazine stand.

"Is there wireless here?" he demanded, in a very pleasant British accent.

"Yes," said the employee.

"Does it require a password?"

"No, sir," said the employee.

The man walked away to rejoin his travel companion, a woman in a scarf.

"You're welcome," said the employee, softly.


"You're Welcome" was also the title of one of my favorite fifth season episodes of Angel, in which Cordelia briefly returns to help Angel to find his way.

1 comment:

Tina Chen said...

oh..this short note is so upsetting. I find the contrast between the noble accent and the rude mannner very disturbing.